Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Beginning

Here I am, I'm getting on the blog train! My daughter-inlaw showed me her blog and I was instantly hooked! The Bardin family has had many changes over the past 2 years. Scott married Cicily and had baby Kyle 11 months later, Mitch married Chelcie and the twins Meghan and Morgan are Seniors in high school. What a YEAR!!


Emily said...

Glad to see you in the blogging world! I can't believe the girls are seniors!!

Sheri said...

Yea your a blogger! Great way to keep up with you guys. I let Heather do the blogging, someday I'll join the ranks....

The Morgans said...

I'm glad to see you've been sucked in to the blogosphere. Send me your email so I can invite you to our blog.

Grandma Linda said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!Hugs and kisses to all of the bardin bunch in Northern Utah Love you guys!